Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekly Update

Happy Friday Families!

Whew!  What an awesome week!  First of all, thank you so much to everyone who came to our breakfast this morning!  We had an incredible turnout and the kids kept talking about how wonderful it was.  I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us.  
It was a packed house!
We loved having our families here today!

We spent this week writing our final drafts of our personal narratives.  Kids used checklists to edit and revise and then conferenced with a teacher about their writing.  They worked SO hard and I was so happy with how they turned out!  Obviously the most fun part was sharing them with you!  After our personal narrative assessment, we will start working on some writing involving research.

Last week we went outside for science and wrote down questions about the land around us.  Kids came up with some amazing questions!  We chose 3 to look at in more depth- 1)Why are there rocks lining the hill?  2)Why are there cracks in the ground?  3)Why is there netting over the grass and hay?  We spent some time hypothesizing about why these things happened and the kids had some great ideas.  This week, we watched a video about erosion and wouldn't you know... the kids connected what they learned about erosion to their questions from the week before!  They decided that the cracks were on the ground because of the weather changing from dry to wet and warm to cold.  They concluded that the rocks lining the hill were to PREVENT erosion from occurring, and the netting was to prevent elements of weather from washing away grass seed and hay.  These are some smart kiddos!

We were all about multiplication this week!  We took our unit pretest and discovered that while we are very good at repeated addition, we are in need of some new strategies to solve multiplication problems.  This week, we learned how to use mental math to multiply multiples of 10.  We also used our rounding skills to estimate the answers to multiplication problems.  Today, we learned a fun strategy called the "Box Method."  We break apart our numbers by place value, multiply, and add.  Have your 4th grader show you using this problem:  54 x 5.

Daily 5
We started our new read aloud this week called Jack's Run.  This is the sequel to Zach's Lie, so the kids were super excited about it before I even read a page.  As we read these awesome read alouds, aside from pure enjoyment, we are also reading to work on reading strategies.  We are currently focusing on inferring, predicting, and strategies to solve unknown words.  We continued with Daily 5 rotations, but instead of chapter books, we are focusing on non-fiction articles (mostly science).  One of our articles told us that research shows it's actually the event that the sugar is present at that causes the hyperactivity, not the sugar itself.  Sorry that we had to bust that myth, but we all still agreed that it doesn't mean too much sugar is healthy!

Have a great weekend!

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