Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekly Newsletter

Writing/Social Studies/Science
We have just begun our informational writing unit!  We decided it would be fun to integrate this unit with our social studies unit on Missouri regions.  Within our regions we are relating a lot of our information back to science and landforms as well.  This week the kids learned about regions in general, the regions of the United States, and then were placed in groups where they began researching a specific Missouri region.  They used online resources as well as text resources to find out all about their region.  Next week, we will start working on using our notes to make a fun presentation for our classmates about the specific regions.

Inquiry, inquiry, inquiry!  This week was 100% dedicated to math inquiry and the kids loved it!  This unit is one of the district's "Contexts for Learning Mathematics."  On two separate days, I posed a multi-step problem for the kids to solve.  There were also different questions to answer in one problem.  I was blown away by the creative strategies kids used to solve their problems.  While this is a division unit, we aren't focusing on the traditional algorithm for division, but more figuring out what division means and how it relates to multiplication.

Daily 5
This week, 4th graders received their Interactive Language Notebook.  We focused on nouns and pronouns this week.  Next week we will look at verbs, adverbs, and adjectives.  We are continuing to read to Jack's Run and the kids are SUPER into it!  While I know the kids hate it when I stop reading it for the day, I can't help but to be happy that they are so excited about this book.  One of my kids said, "The good news is we will finally finish it this book next week, but the bad news is, it will be over.":)

Important Dates
  • December 15th- 4th Grade Music Program (6:30-7:30)
  • December 20th- Winter Party
  • December 21-January 3rd- Winter Break
  • January 4th- School resumes
  • January 16th- NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • January 20th- School Spelling Bee
  • January 30th- Beulah Ralph's 90th Birthday
  • February 6th- NO SCHOOL (teacher work day)

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