Thursday, January 12, 2017

Weekly Newsletter

We had a super week this week!  It was nice to get back into the swing of things after break.  Since we don't have school tomorrow, consider this your Friday Newsletter:).

Social Studies
We have begun our study of civics.  This week we talked about rules and culture.  We have also discussed the the purpose of laws and how Missouri laws and school rules are both similar and different.  We have noticed a lot of commonalities in school/state laws as to purposes of each.  Next week we will begin talking about government and its purpose.

Students have been busy reading and researching important cities in Missouri's history!  They are researching either Jefferson City, St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal, St. Joseph, St. Genevieve, or Joplin.  They are really learning a lot and I am impressed at how focused they've been.  We are focusing specifically on the foundation, development, and how it has changed over the years.  Be sure to ask your child about their city.

We have begun our new math unit, Dividing by One Digit Divisors.  This week we talked about how to divide multiples of ten and how to estimate quotients.
Next week we will learn about remainders and dig deeper into division and actually learn the process. It is going to be very beneficial to your child if they practice division flash cards every night (and multiplication for that matter)!

Our new read aloud, The Mighty Miss Malone, already has students hooked!  Before we began, we talked a lot about the time period this historical fiction book takes place.  Students were fascinated with the Great Depression.  We have also talked a lot about author's purpose and why author's include certain information or make characters do certain things.  Next week, we will focus on fact vs. opinion and how that impacts a historical fiction text.

Some friends chose to research together
Practicing some Mindfulness with Ms. Harris

Researching cities!

Important Dates:
-January 16- NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr. Day)
-January 20- School Wide-Spelling Bee
-January 20- Hat Day!
-February 6- NO SCHOOL (teacher work day)
-February 10- Yearbook Orders Due
-February 10- Six Flags Reading Logs Due
-February 13- Parent Teacher Conferences
-February 14- Spring Class Party
-February 16- Parent Teacher Conferences
-February 17- NO SCHOOL
-February 20- NO SCHOOL

Have a great weekend and stay safe in this weather!

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